Friday, May 2, 2014

God's Most Perfect Gift

Since I've "come home", I've been doing a study on Proverbs 31. So far, I've just been reading the chapter, verse by verse, looking for the practical applications and principles. Today, I decided to go word by word. And it's AMAZING! So amazing, in fact, I wanted to share it with you (at least the first sentence, because that's as far as I've gotten). I looked at the Hebrew, and combining that with the principles I already know from previous studies, came up with this (not quite sure how to explain it, so I'm just going to let you read it).

-The words of Bathsheba to Solomon-
My son, I pray that God will make you into a man that He can trust to care for His most
prized possession. This gift He wants to bestow on you is His most powerful tool. It is a
force for Christlikeness to be reckoned with. It is valiant. It is mighty in the Lord. It strives
to be worthy of of it's high calling. It can do all the things I'm about to tell you
in the rest of this chapter. This, my son, is something you need to be putting effort into-
becoming a man worthy of God's most perfect present...
...a Godly wife.

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